Core Body of Knowledge Resources and Media

In 2012, PDI published The Core Body of Knowledge: New York State's Core Competencies for Early Childhood Educators. This resource was written for professionals who work directly with young children and recommends practices for building meaningful relationships with children, families and colleagues, for creating nurturing, stimulating environments, and for developing oneself as a professional in this incredibly important field. To compliment this text, we have compiled a variety of resources to help bring some of these practices to life.

Featured Videos from the CBK

We believe that capturing high quality teaching practices through video is an effective method to help teachers think critically about their own work with children and families. Below are some short videos that demonstrate various areas of the Core Body of Knowledge "in action." With each video, you will find both guiding questions and additional resources.

Click "View Video Profile" to explore each video through the lens of The Core Body of Knowledge.

Print and Web Resources from the CBK

Below are a selection of some of our print, web and other resources to help illuminate the Core Body of Knowledge.